Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cream Bath

Wanita cantik berpakaian formal itu turun dari dalam taksi, melangkah dengan anggun melintasi lobby, sampai ia memasuki lift dan memencet tombol bernomor 17. Sambil menunggu lift mengantarkannya ke lantai yang dituju, ia memandangi siluet dirinya sendiri di cermin yang terdapat pada dinding lift tersebut sambil sesekali merapikan rambut dan membenahi gulungan lengan kemeja putihnya. Ia memang tak berencana kemana-mana lagi setelah ini, tapi sifatnya yang perfeksionis membuatnya risih jika melihat sedikit saja yang tidak beres dengan penampilannya.
                Ketika pintu lift terbuka, ia cepat-cepat berjalan keluar menuju satu pintu yang terletak di ujung lorong. Dia sengaja memilih yang dipojok itu sebagai tempat tinggalnya, karena memang jarang dilewati oleh orang-orang. Setelah masuk kedalam dan kembali mengunci pintu apartemennya, ia segera melepaskan sepatu hak tinggi yang sudah seharian ini terpasang di kedua kakinya dan langsung merebahkan dirinya di sofa. Ia tidak bergeming selama kurang lebih 15 menit, hanya memejamkan mata dan merelaksasi diri, kemudian ia bangun dari duduknya dan melakukan sedikit bersih-bersih.
                Apartemen dengan desain minimalis itu tidak terlalu luas, namun lebih dari cukup untuk ditinggali seorang wanita yang lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di kantor daripada di rumah. Meski begitu, ia tetap menjaga dengan sempurna kebersihan dan kenyamanan apartemennya, karena setelah hari panjang di kantor, yang ia butuhkan kadang hanyalah perasaan nyaman di rumah dan waktu untuk dihabiskan bersama dirinya sendiri di tempat yang sudah dianggap sebagai kerajaan kecilnya.
                Setelah berendam air hangat dan mengoleskan night cream pada wajahnya, wanita itu berjalan menuju meja kaca berwarna putih yang terletak di kamar tidurnya, dan duduk di kursi yang sengaja dipesannya dengan warna senada. Ia membuka buku yang tergeletak diatas meja itu, mengambil pena dan mulai menulis.

10 September 2012
Hari ini panas. Dari tadi siang aku nggak berani keluar kantor walau barang tiga menit cuma sekedar buat beli koran di kios seberang jalan. Mataharinya nusuk, bikin kulit perih plus sakit kepala. Untung hari ini meeting nya agak lama, jadi pas keluar kantor udah gelap.
Dulu, kalo hari panas kayak gini, pasti kita pergi cream bath bareng…


                Alicia turun dari mobil dan bergegas menaiki tangga di teras rumahnya, kemudia memencet bel dengan tidak sabar sambil mengoceh sendiri. Hari ini udara diluar sangat panas, dan ia ingin cepat-cepat masuk kerumah untuk menghindari panasnya matahari yang menggosongkan kulitnya.
                Ketika si Mbok membukakan pintu, Alicia masuk dengan mengendap-endap karena takut kelihatan oleh mamanya yang sedang makan di dapur. Tapi ternyata mamanya sudah melihat bayangannya dari jauh dan langsung memanggilnya.
Ketika Alicia sampai di dapur, mamanya tak dapat menahan diri untuk tidak menjerit dan ngomel, melihat anak perempuannya yang cantik dan berkulit bersih, tiba-tiba gosong dan tampak dekil.

Akhirnya setelah sesi ocehan itu berakhir, Alicia yang sudah makin kepanasan langsung naik ke lantai 2, dan saat tiba di kamar ia langsung menyalakan AC dan merebahkan diri di tempat tidurnya yang nyaman. Setelah menenangkan pikiran dan menetralkan suhu tubuh, ia bangun dan menuju meja belajarnya. Membuka buku di hadapannya dan mulai menulis.

9 Juni 2003
Hari ini rasanya separo neraka pindah ke bumi. Panas gila! Padahal pas tadi pagi gue berangkat ke kampus, udaranya sejuk-sejuk aja, malah mendung kayak mau hujan. Eeh pas jam 11 gue mau beli gorengan didepan kampus, rasanya kayak di oven! Tadi aja pas nyampe rumah, nyokap ampe jerit gara-gara liat kulit gue gosong.
Untung hari ini kembaran gue, Leticia, nggak ada kelas sore. Jadi gue tinggal nungguin dia bentar lagi pulang, trus kita bias cream bath bareng! Yeay!

Setelah menulis beberapa kalimat di buku bersampul baby blue itu, Alicia bangkit berdiri dengan perasaan sedikit lebih riang. Ritual menulis Diary memang sesuatu yang tak pernah ia tinggalkan.
Dulu, teman sebangkunya waktu kelas 3 SD memperkenalkan buku ajaib yang bisa menampung semua hal yang ada di benaknya. “Mau dijadiin tempat curhat, nulis lirik lagu, gambar-gambar, kenang-kenangan, pokoknya semua bisa kita bikin di buku ini”, ucap Kayla, teman sebangkunya saat itu.
Tapi sepertinya, kalimat yang diucapkan oleh seorang anak kecil itu tidak pernah bisa lepas dari cantolan di dalam hati si anak yang mendengarnya. Buktinya, sampai ia duduk di bangku universitas pun, tak satupun momen dalam hidupnya yang tidak tercatat di buku ajaib itu. Tapi karena terkesan norak kalau menyebutnya sebagai Diary, Alicia lebih suka menyebutnya Journal sejak ia menjadi siswi SMA. Buku itupun sudah mengalami regenerasi kira-kira sebanyak 12 kali. Dan semua serinya tetap tersimpan rapi di rak buku sang pemilik, tersampul tanpa lecek sedikitpun.
Beberapa saat kemudian, terdengar bunyi bel pintu dan Alicia langsung berlari menuruni tangga, membukakan pintu untuk kembarannya yang baru saja tiba dirumah. Alicia dengan cekatan mengambil kunci mobil dari tangan Leticia, dan kembali menariknya keluar rumah bahkan sebelum ia melepas sepatu.
Ya, pergi cream bath. Dan karena hari ini yang mengajak adalah Alicia, maka ia yang akan membayar untuk mereka berdua.


10 September 2012

Seandainya ada Leticia…

                Setelah menyelesaikan kalimat terakhirnya, wanita itu menutup buku dan beranjak dari bangkunya. Ia berjalan lesu ke tempat tidurnya, kemudian menarik selimut dan meringkuk didalamnya. Menumpahkan air mata sampai ia kelelahan dan tertidur dengan bantal yang basah.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Hey guys sorry for the lack of post lately, school and church really kept me busy even until now, and next week I'm going to have mid-tests already like OH MY GOD time is REALLY flying.

Anyways I'm writing this story, haven't decided the title yet, I think it's gonna be a long story. I will post every progress, every chapter on this blog but I don't think I could post them in English because writing a story in Bahasa is hard already and it's totally not easy to translate it without changing the sentences meaning and stuffs -_- sorry for this inconvenience.

And I would be SO GRATEFUL if you guys could comment or give me critics or respond to my story, PLEASE help me I can't do this alone.

Thanks guys xx

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Today is my last day of holiday, yes I know, lame.

So this morning I woke up in a brand new day, it was a perfect sunny morning, air was clear, everything was going really well until my classmate Waisiyana broadcasted this bbm to the whole XIIsocial4 students
translation : tomorrow >>> accounting exam, math exam, sociology exam. Accounting homework, math homework

And the day was ruined. The End.

Lol no I was just kidding.

I decided to go to Michelle's house, she is one of my LDF (Long Distance Friend) but she's here for holiday, and she got hell lotsa assignments too so I thought we could do our homeworks together.

But then I realized that I was wrong.

I mean, two girls, inside a room, with internet and phone and snacks and so much entertainments? You know the answer.

So we end up talk and talk and taaaaaaalk and stalk and stalk and staaaaaaaalk and laugh and laugh and lauuuuuuuugh and munch and munch and muuuuuuuunch and phoooooooootooooooosssssssssss.

can't post everything, the computer is so gonna crash

AND we bought this superb snack MIAWMIAW (weird name) but it tastes REEEEAAAAAL GOOD

super addictive and fattening

I suddenly remember that I got sore throat. Damn.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lack of Sleep

Hey guys!
One word for last week : EXHAUSTING

Everything started on Thursday, after school. Usually I will always run straight to my car, as soon as the bell rings, go home and take a long nap until about 5pm. IT FEELS REALLY GOOD. But last Thursday I got 3 things that I have to attend, at the same time, after school. First, I should do a civics group assignment with my classmates. Second, I should attend the choir rehearsal for Independence Day. Third, I should train the 10th grader for Paskibra. Paskibra is like a team containing 25 students that will hoist flag. I’ve been a member of Paskibra for 2 years, so we (some other Paskibra friends and I) have to train the juniors.

 my 1st year of Paskibra

2nd year

Anyways it was Clara Debora’s birthday, she treated the whole class Nasi Ayam Penyet


Back to reality. So I REALLY attend 3 of them. I started with the choir rehearsal, then I did the group assignment, and last but not least, trained Paskibra. After all that, I went home with Ivan, he picked me up. Anyways Ivan is my boyfriend.

oh you can't see the faces
I reached home at about half past 3, I took a quick bath and went straight to church. I reached home (again) at around 9 and still had to work on Hesley’s birthday scrap. I finally went to bed at 11 and slept like a bear until the next day.

It was Hesley’s birthday. I woke up at 4am and got ready for Hesley’s birthday surprise. Me, Amel, Lisshandra and Jesica went to her house early in the morning before school, we brought her a handmade-17-bread with grated chocolate and cheese. And the scrap, of course, from The Bitches

Windy Me Jesica Regina Lisshandra Hesley Amelia

We arrived  at her house at around half past 6, we did the surprise, took hell lotsa pictures

 Haven't got the photos from Amelia. Dammit.

Then went to school together.

I trained Paskibra again after school and reached home at around 1pm I guess. I forget what did I do next, but something kept me busy until 5pm, then I went to church. After that I went straight to Hesley’s birthday party at Angkringan, ate PSK (Pisang Susu Keju) and Fried Rice. Went home with Jesica, and slept at about 10.
Saturday has always been busy. I trained Paskibra after school reached home at half past 1, took a super quick bath and went to church. At 6 I went to Pondok Santai Kak Dadut and had dinner together with my 11th grade classmates.

with Waisiyana. Both of us are always placed in the same class for 3 years of High School.
KEWLest teacher on earth : Mr. Don Michael

Reached home at 11. Super tired.

I attended the morning service at church, and waited for my brother until he finished serving the Sunday School. We reached home at around 2pm. Did my homework, took a SUPER LITTLE POWER nap, and went to serve the first Junior Church Service at Tanjung Piayu, one of our church branch. Met new people, had fun :D reached home at 10 and went straight to dreamland.

My weekend has been super exhausting as you can see. But I always prefer having activities rather than staying at home lol so this is kinda fine.

Last thing.
Amelia lent me this amazing film called The Notebook, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel MacAdams

Really like both of them, they did a flawless act.


Monday, August 6, 2012

Puzzle Piece

Hey guys, here we are again. A lot has actually happened last week but I don't think everything are good enough to tell.

I skipped school today because of this annoying stomach disorder. It hurt so bad, I cried (I know this is embarrassing, but it REALLY hurt). Glad that I don't have to do the flag ceremony this morning though lol. I ended up sleeping all day, and reading about 25 chapters of the Bible.

Today, 2 amazing friends of mine leave to Bandung for college. We had a farewell party at Resto Kediri, but nobody brought any camera so we didn't take a picture at all -_- so I just took their pictures from their facebook lol.

Yeremia Liong, he is going to UNPAR.

Christian Ryota Bima Permana

Ryota has actually left Batam last year, this is his second year of university. He came to Batam for holiday, and today he go back to Bandung with Liong.

I used to hate Liong when I first knew him =D he always stare at people with this unpleasant expression. Not just me, almost everyone of us used to hate him. But then we know that he has a problem with his eyes, he can barely see people without his glasses. That's why he doesn't smile at people so much. It's funny remembering the old days.

I have become friends with Ryota since I was 9, I guess? We didn't really like each other because I was a quiet little girl that always sit on the corner, while he was like the gangster kid who bullied everyone lol. But as we grow up we turn to be good friends!

Good luck there, you guys :) stay focus, God has His wonderful plan for both of you. See you on December!

Time flies. Everyone is leaving day by day. It's like.............................. Losing a puzzle piece?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Furmaids ;;)

Hi again people.

Yesterday I went to my ex-JHS Charitas. I met my ex teachers, and one of them was the one who taught me when I was like on the 2nd grade of elementary. I haven't seen her for about 5 years and yesterday when we met, I just feel so old ._. after that I went swimming with Vanyi, Kezya and Keyen at Central Sukajadi.

We are Furmaids!! (instead of Mermaids)
And we ate there at Resto Central too, it was really good!

Nasi Ayam Kremes

Oh anyways I am currently writing a story based on my life. I don't know if this is going to be good, but I'll just try to write everything down first. It feels weird, you know, to talk about yourself -_- things you do, things happened to you and stuffs. I hope this is not going to be cheesy. I once wrote a story about myself and it ended up staying forever inside my PC (the PC has broken anyways) because I think it's awkward level 100.

Got things to do. Adieu!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hello everyone my name is Rebeca (YES, WITH SINGLE "C") and this is my new blog. Well you can see it yourself, but still.

I CAN'T tell people more about myself. Oh i saw this amazing picture on 9gag
which is so true -_-

All i can tell is, I want to be a writer, so why don't start from things like this? And besides I usually feel bored during my free time, so maybe having a blog will keep me busy (or not?)

Well posting for the first time is so awkward.

I am here at Amelia's house, with Lisshandra and Hesley too. She is helping us doing our blogs (yes I know this sounds lame). THANKYOU SO MUCH AMELEAH.
We are eating Keripik Karuhun, it's SUPER spicy. I don't usually eat spicy food but when I tried this, it turned out to be nice and I just can't get enough of it now.

Oh speaking of snacks, I'm currently in love with this healthy snack bar from Kalbe Farma
It has 0 cholesterol  and 0 fat. I wish all healthy food taste THIS good.

That's all I can say for now, adieu!